Pizhichil Therapy
Pizhichil in local language is squeezing. This is a specialty Ayurvedic treatment which comes with great benefits. It is also otherwise known as Kaya Seka, Taila Seka and Sarvanga Sneha. It is a combination of two ayurvedic treatments namely Snehana (oil massage) and Svedana (fomentation, sudation, sweat inducing). In this therapy, lukewarm medicated oil is applied on the patient�s body by squeezing the cloth which was dipped in the oil. This will be followed by a gentle massage of the patient�s body. The benefits of this treatment are:
- Relieves body pain and muscle spasms
- Increases immunity and prolongs lifespan
- Helps in healing bone injuries
- Promotes normal development of muscle mass
- Has anti-aging benefits
- Improves skin complexion
- Improves blood circulation
- It is very effective for diseases related to brain and spinal cord (degenerative & autoimmune disorders)
- It is also effective for bone, joints and muscle tissues
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Neurological disorders
- Nervous weakness
- Burning sensation all over the body
- Sexual weakness
- Arthritis
- Rheumatic diseases
- Paralysis (Hemiplegia and paraplegia)
- Parkinson�s disease
- Reduces stress, anxiety and tension
- Strengthens immunity system
- Rejuvenates the body completely
- Keeps diseases at bay
This treatment was used for treating the Kings. Hence, it is otherwise called as the treatment for aristocrats. It is also famous for safe and easy administration. It rejuvenates and soothes your body.
Pizhichil is suitable for diseases
This therapy is ideal for all those who have rheumatic arthritis, hemiplegia, paralysis, Parkinson�s disease, sexual weakness, blood pressure, arrests ageing process, anxiety disorders, body aches, combats depression, nourishes the skin, nervous weakness and disorders.
Our Procedure
In this treatment, a piece of cloth is taken and will be soaked in the lukewarm medicated oil kept in a vessel and the same will be squeezed on to the patient�s body and simultaneously massage is also done. Two to four trained therapists will do this treatment under the guidance of a physician and will do it in a synchronised pattern. It creates heavy sweating through which the ailments are cured. This treatment will last for 45 minutes and sometimes it may go up to 90 minutes also. The duration depends on the patient�s disease condition. Some of the oils used in this treatment are Dhanwndharam tailam, bala tailam, sagacharadi tailam, praphanjanabanam tailam, etc.

Why Pizhichil Therapy at Panchkarma therapies
If you are looking for Pizhichil therapy, then Panchkarma therapies is your perfect choice. Our therapists perform this treatment under the supervision of quality medical practitioner. We will provide you with excellent treatment and for sure you will get cured of the disease for which you are taking this treatment.