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Panchakarma Therapy
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Panchakarma Therapy

India has given world various art and techniques that help them to live life perfectly, stay fit and healthy. This is the reason that the significance of Ayurveda is tremendous and the main practice is followed for healing different ailments. Panchkarma is the oldest art of healing in the Ayurvedic that helps in detoxification and is a powerful way to treat the root causes of disease. This art is used over thousands of years and is contributing to help people stay young, healthy and vital.

Panchkarma means :five actions, that is best fitted to treat different health problems of the body. The entire technique relies on five distinctive activities that help to control the body as Nasyam, vomiting, purgation, niruham and Anuvaasan. This technique works well with the use of the medicated oil and herbs that help to get the impurities of the out from the body in a natural way. With so many benefits, Panchkarma is a true manifestation of the Ayurvedic values and still have its importance in today's world.

Panchakarma offers a systematic treatment that helps to flush and dislodge toxins from different cells of the body. We know that body naturally employs sweat glands, blood vessels, intestines and pathways urinary tracts to eliminate such toxins. Panchkarma treatment is classified into two ways like Oleation and Fomentation. In Oleation treatment method, oil or oil substance is used on the body and in fomentation treatment is provided that produces sweat.

Benefits associated with Panchakarma treatment includes , reduction of weight, complete purity of body, riddance of toxins, relaxing the mind and body, enhance digestive fire, rejuvenates tissues, relieves stress and boost immunity.

Why Panchakarma therapy so important?

Poor lifestyle, stress and natural pollutants have made a lethal load on the body. This has resulted in the overall poor health of the body as these factors have damaged and harmed tissues and circulation system of the body. Panchkarma therapy has a good impact on the overall health and lasts long. When you look for the Panchkarma treatment, our counsellors suggest based on your doshas or diseases. Each customer gets a personalized treatment after the diagnosis of their medical complexity and body needs.


  • Q: What is Panchkarma ?

    ANS: Panchkarma is an ancient, established Ayurvedic line of treatment to eradicate the root cause of various human illnesses. It eliminates toxins from the patient's body through five main procedures, - Vamana ( Emesis ), Virechana ( Purgation ), Vasti ( medicated Enema ), Nasya ( Nasal medication ) &Raktamoksha ( Blood Letting ). Thus this therapy expels toxins ( disease causing waste ) from the nearest orifice, leading to an ultimate Mind-Body cleansing. This results in the complete rejuvenation and purification of the body along with enhanced immunity.

  • Q: What are the benefits of Panchkarma ?

    ANS: The main benefits include the balancing of Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Immunity of the body is improved because disease causing toxins are removed in order to detox the body's vital systems. It improves the skin complexion and helps in reducing the excess body weight. It has a profound positive impact on joint pain and makes the patient more mobile. This treatment also enhances the energy and stamina in an individual. Mental efficiency increases tremendously as the stress and anxiety reduces significantly.

  • Q:Is Panchkarma a permanent cure ?

    ANS: Panchkarma provides long lasting relief from existing medical problems and also helps to prevent the onset of new medical issues. It keeps the Body & Mind in "Top" shape. Ideally, Panchkarma therapy ( complete course ) should be repeated at least once every year.

  • Q: What main diseases are cured by Panchkarma ?

    ANS: Gastrointestinal diseases, Dermatological problems, Neuro disorders, ENT, Eye and Mouth diseases, Metabolic disorders, Respiratory diseases, Joint & Muscular problems, Vigour and Vitality issues.

  • Q: What treatments are available in Panchkarma ?

    ANS: The following treatments are available-Vaman, Virechana, Basti, JanuBasti, LekhanBasti, ShiroBasti, Udvartan,Ubtan, NavraKizhi, Abhayanga, PatraPind (Potli),Swedam, Pizhichhil, Nasya, Kavala, Gandush, Dhoompan, NetraTarpan, Shirodhara, Snehadhara, Kati, Greeva and Prishtha.

  • Q:Does Panchkarma have side effects ?

    ANS: Panchkarma is very carefully and patiently done by expert and experienced Therapists. No procedure is done in haste. Minimum 45 minutes to 60 minutes is allocated for each session. These sessions may be repeated as per the advice of the doctor. Panchkarma is an established, safe, reliable and effective Ayurvedic form of treatment.

  • Q:What is the normal cost of Panchkarma Therapy ?

    ANS:Frankly, the cost will depend upon the type of procedure and its duration. But the normal, average cost for common procedures would be in the range of Rs. 1,000/- to Rs. 1,500/- per procedure per session.

  • Q:Where can I get extremely cheap Panchkarma treatment ?

    ANS:The Ministry of AYUSH has opened certain centers for the benefit of very poor ( BPL ) patients. That list is available on the official site of the AYUSH Ministry. Panchkarma patients who are government employees and CGHS beneficiaries can also avail cheap / free Panchkarma services.

  • Q:How long does it take for Panchkarma treatment ?

    ANS:This will depend upon the disease and the procedure selected for its treatment. The minimum number of sessions for most procedures is 7. The doctor may advise for longer duration also, extending up to a month. Some procedures are repeated with a gap of a day or two. Once the complete course has been done, then the same can be repeated either after four to six months,or annually,to maintain the benefits obtained from the earlier therapy sessions.

  • Q:Can the doctor correctly identify my Doshas ?

    ANS:Yes, Ayurvedic doctors can expertly and correctly identify your specific Doshas and initiate Panchkarma procedures accordingly.